Original Network
"Source Fource"

The documents and records found here speak for themselves of that which was done. As for the effect, depth and scope of them, that is another story, even though it plays out now around and within each and every one, "as we speak", so to speak. Suffice it to say, that "as it was bound, so is it now unbound". A clean, protected place to stand, as it relates to former slavery systems; for ALL. Beyond that, a conscious, knowing awareness that there is and always has been, in existence, a "universal backdoor". A key, to an "aha!" moment. A key which reveals that there is far more to that which was "contained" in the former "Universal Trust". It was always there; Original. Including an original state of conscious being, which is now made visible to one ... and all. Faster now than previously imagined. Nothing will ever BE the same again; thankfully.

These three things "matter" in these precious moments. Everything you think, everything you say and everything you do. Choose wisely. Think of a mighty thought. What would that BE? Open your HEART. Expect it. It is happening NOW.

"I suppose you think that's air you're breathing" - Morpheus
